My name is Samia. I live in Canada but I was born in Morrocco.
Fashion being a hobby, I decided to start this little blog to share my finds.
I also do wish to share comic panels, designs and artistic creations here, when I will get the courage.
I'm currently studying Visual and Mediatic Arts at UQAM (Montréal).

Please enjoy your stay, and I hope you will enjoy reading those small articles from times to times!

vendredi 3 avril 2015

Happy Easter! - LUSH mini review

The surprise's finally revealed! 

Hello everyone! I hope all of you are well! As many of you know, we're in the Easter holiday and I was thinking that for the occasion, I wanted to
make a little something! I showed a lot of you on Instagram this picture, and maybe a few of you were wondering what bath bomb I've decided to try this time. I couldn't resist to Hoppity Poppity's design from the start, and after smelling the fragrance, it was clear for me that I had to try it.

Here the little culprit! Not only is he cute as buttons, but the scent emanating from him is amazing. I bought a second one for a friend's birthday that around the corner! 

The color of the bath did not change this much, there was only this little pink shade, however, the scent was powerful in my opinion (which I like a lot, it was very inviting). Also, the scent on my skin did not stay too long, but on the moment, it was very relaxing. I could smell lavender but wasn't sure about the rest, until I found the list of ingredients here

Seems like the main ingredient was Violet leaf (never would of have guessed)! 

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